
Friday 17 February 2012

indian poets pictures and detail

javed akhter is a great writer of indian history.He was born in 17 jan 1945.He is a great
best lyricist of india.He had done lots of poetry in hindi and urdu language.

indian poet pictures
arun kolatkar .He was the great indian poet of the last century.kolahpor where he spent his
first eighteen or nineteen year.He was very famous in indian people.
sri sri seshendra sharma is a great poet.He was born in visakhapatanam.He was great indian poet
writing in telugu.He was died on 15th june 1983.


  1. Seshendra Sharma better known as Seshendra is a colossus of modern Indian poetry. His literature is a unique blend of the best of poetry and poetics.
    Seshendra: Visionary poet of the millennium

  2. Rajasekharam(Younger brother)

    Wife: Mrs.Janaki Sharma

    Children: Vasundhara , Revathi (Daughters),

    Vanamaali , Saatyaki (Sons)

    * * *

    Seshendra Sharma better known as Seshendra is a colossus of Modern Indian poetry.
    His literature is a unique blend of the best of poetry and poetics.

    Diversity and depth of his literary interests and his works
    are perhaps hitherto unknown in Indian literature.

    From poetry to poetics, from Mantra Sastra to Marxist politics
    his writings bear an unnerving print of his rare Genius.
    His scholarship and command over Sankrit, English and Telugu Languages has facilitated
    his emergence as a towering personality of comparative literature in the 20th Century World literature.
    T.S.Eliot, Archibald MacLeish and Seshendra Sharma are trinity of world poetry and Poetics.

    His sense of dedication to the genre he chooses to express himself and
    the determination to reach the depths of subject he undertakes to explore
    place him in the galaxy of world poets / world intellectuals.

  3. The curvature of mystery
    Bereft of leaves, the naked branch
    That spreads onto our balcony
    Is the curvature of mystery
    Which poses the question eternally
    Its flame like twigs tiny, newborn, its branches of fruits that stop the wayfarer
    The cuckoos that sing in its cool shade
    The little blue rags of sky caught in its leaves and keep fluttering-
    Where are they! Where did they go!
    Now of course it is a naked branch,
    At its end a kite like a tail of sankranthi
    That vanished into time like evaporating tear invisible-
    If I show you one visible posture
    I know you people devour
    the entire invisible world of my thoughts and feelings
    I know – that is why –I say it is naked but in that branch
    Time is flowing like electric current in the copper wire.
    -Seshendra Sharma
