
Tuesday 14 February 2012

William shakespeare book names and information about him

William shakespeare
His book names and information about him

William shakespeare was born in April 13,1564, in place of

stratford-on-avon.William shakespeare father name was

John shakespeare and his mother name was Mary Arden.

He gave his early education in Adword IV grammar shool

in stratford.where he learned lakin and little greek and read

the roman dramatists.At the age of eighteen he married

Anne hathaway.They rised two daughters who was born in

1553.His two childs name was judith and susanna.

shakespeare wrote more than 30 Plays and many poems.

William shakespeare Dramas

  1. A midsummer,s night dream in 1595
  2. All,s well and that end,s wellin 1602
  3. Hemlet in 1600
  4. king lear in 1605
  5. king john in 1696
  6. As you like it in 1599
  7. Antony and cleopatra in 1607
  8. Henry IV in 1597
  9. Henry V in 1598
  10. coriolanus in 1608
  11. Henry VI parts 1 ,2 and 3 in 1690
  12. Cymbeline in 1609
  13. Henry VIII in 1612
  14. Love,s labour,s lost 1593
  15. Julius caesar in 1599
  16. Richard II in 1595
  17. Richard III 1594
  18. The comedy of Errors in 1590
  19. The tempest 1611
  20. Othello in 1604
and much more plays availible.william shakespeare all plays are beutiful.people like

william shakespeare and his playes also. He was great writter and poet.

His poems
  1. The sonnets of shakespeare in 1609
  2. The Rape of Lucrece in 1694
  3. Venus and Adunis in 1693
william shakespeare all poems and plays are beutiful and nice.

He died in 16 April 1616.

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